Sugar Delta 1992 – Present Day
In April of 1992 two radio operators Dino and Sandro had an idea to form their own group.
The Group was Born and Named “Sugar Delta” (Special Dxer’s)
Dino being the President and Sandro the Vice President
Within 12 months of the group being formed the Sugar Delta Group had members Worldwide with over 40 divisions, within the second year we had members in every active division throughout the 11mtr community.
We were flying with many Rare and wanted Zero & DX Activations and Quality SES Special event stations.
Unfortunately, in 1999 the group split with some difficulties within the HQ Sandro and many other divisions decided to form a more refined and democratic Group “Sugar Delta Int”
After a short time, Dino left the group to form another different group.
Sandro after 2 years went QRT and left the 11mtr community.
Sugar Delta has no president and we are totally democratic and transparent to all its members, forming a HQ with HQ Officials from every continent all over the world and together making the decisions for all.
It quickly got off the mark with producing quality merchandise QSL Cards, Directory, & Clothing of which at that time was far ahead of what other groups were supplying in fact we were leading the way for others to follow with design and quality, this is what the Sugar Delta members wanted and what they got.
We are not only an 11mtr group we are a CB, PMR & Amateur Radio Group of which Many are Radio Hams and of course following country laws and regulations.
We become a BIG Family of 11mtr operators within the 11mtr community organizing International meetings all over Europe giving many SD Members an opportunity to meet face to face of which has proven to be phenomenally successful, with meetings in Italy, France, Belgium, Germany, Holland, Wales, Malta, England & Spain to mention a few.
Our aim is to continue with Quality not Quantity of membership and continue to grow over many years to come, we will be celebrating 30 years of Sugar Delta in 2022 with many more Zero & DX Activations to come in this new cycle 21.
We invite you to join our BIG Happy Family and look forward to working you what ever band you are on in the next 30 years, there really is “Only one Sugar Delta”
Sugar Delta = Simply DXers and Simply Democratic
Sugar Delta HQ